Monday, December 19, 2011

December lalala

I'm so good at titling these!! I finished all my exams on saturday. They were all really spaced out. I haven't gotten my marks back yet for anything except my first class (got them the next day). It's nice to be off but it's not like I have any real free time to be lazy. I've been pretty busy and this week I'm booked solid. I finished up my shopping today with my dad.
I finally got a credit card last month and started shopping online. This was probably a really really bad idea.  I've already got like 5 things. Of course one of those things was an $800 round trip to England this February.
One of my friends lent me Firefly last week. It's a pretty good tv show so I've been watching quite a bit of that. Oh and I finished my first ever knitting project. It's a hideous not square dish cloth. Go me. I think I want to make a hat now since I'm so talented? Not round hats next?
Ya that's all. Oh and I found a Twisted Sister Christmas album which I downloaded. Do with that information what you will.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Lorraine says I should blog more, or favorite novembers

Blogs are hard. I like writing a lot, and I like thinking about my personality, but I find it hard to write about life. So here are my favorite things about this month:
My dad deciding he would grow a mustache for movember
Getting an idea for a book and actually starting to write it
Buying my mommy christmas presents
Having some super best friends
Learning to make spinach dip (and then making it without the spinach. My dad said it didn't count)
Having Monday's off with my dad
Going to the remembrance day ceremony
Poppy just being a funny little best dog friend
And I guess that's all.
The end

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Making Connections

I've been trying to think of interesting things in my life worth reporting on.
I supposed the biggest is getting engaged, but that just seems like it was a natural step in my life, not a big change. Once I start planning I suppose it will get hectic.
Some of my biggest adventures in my life of late involve the process of making connections. I've always understood that knowing people in the professional world is a good move. I also want to advance my knowledge and round out my character. I started two things this June that fall into both categories. The first was joining my credit unions board of directors. This was an excellent professional move, getting me involved in planning and strategy. It is also a great way to learn more about finances for my personal life. People look at me weird when I say I'm on the board of a credit union, but its a big deal to me.
Secondly, I was hired to work at an archaeology dig not far from home. This was the work of God in its most visible state to me, because I had everyone I knew praying I'd be hired, and I was the only one from my field school. This has furthered my knowledge, my interests, and my experience in my chosen field of anthropology. Not only have I made new friends, I've become friends with teachers and leading researchers. Thats important. Most of all, I've been having fun. Sometimes that's the best you can ask for when you are trying to get the basis for your career going. I'll probably never be a banker, but maybe I'll study starch grains.