Tuesday, October 30, 2007

death in port charles

so on tomorrows episode of general hospital there WILL be a death. this has been confirmed. not cool. and its a woman, most likely one close to nikolas so im thinking Emily or LuLu or maybe carly just because. AND IF ITS EMILY NIK JUST PROPOSED TO HER!!! sad...that would ruin life, and lulu and logan just got back together, and carly and jax are so happy!! and apparently sonny may be dead, which would basically ruin my life!!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

how ironic

I would just like to take a moment and comment on irony. Since I'm writing something on it right now, I just was wondering what the point really is. Sure it's a literary device, but basically anything can be irony if you want to argue it is. I just really don't see it's use. Seriously.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

big city lights

So I've been in Toronto since thursday. It is my last day here today. The trip to the ROM was def the best, because I love it there SO much. The mummy was the coolest by far, and I think the man whom I told that the mummy was beautiful was afraid of me a little. Making the stencils for our mural was awesome as well. I am hoping the lady can use my stencil that she kept for some real graffiti, that would rock. I really don't want to leave, because I've been having fun, but it'll be nice to get home and do some good old homework (oh how I missed it).So I will be back tonight sometime to share my wisdom of these distant lands. :D