Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I've had some pretty terrible fashion tastes in my life. I look back at a few pictures and wonder why I was ever let out of the house. I remember a pair of lime green cords I owned in grade 4. Ick.
The only thing I can say about clothes is I wear what I want. I don't have a really specific style, but if I like something, I get it. Year to year it may change, but it even changes day to day. For example, today I wore grey leggings, a leather jacket and black combat boots. Some days I wear sweater vests and other days I wear sweat pants. One of my friends likes to tell me I wear the weirdest clothes. I honestly don't care.
I love shopping for clothes, buying clothes, looking at clothes. I love to try out new outfits and things I normally wouldn't wear.
I can't wait for summer because I have a few rompers I'm excited to be able to wear.
Also I'm obsessed with Polyvore. I started a collection where I make sets based on types of music I listen to. It's pretty fun, and it's a good way to catalogue my various tastes.
It's right here ->  http://emtinuviel.polyvore.com/
It's kind of cool.
I spent lots of time shopping and looking at clothes in England with Alexis, and everything there is fantastic. I wish I had a suitcase to fill with clothes, but I brought a few nice things home with me. She found some nice things too because she is pretty cool!
That's not what I had for supper...

Monday, December 19, 2011

December lalala

I'm so good at titling these!! I finished all my exams on saturday. They were all really spaced out. I haven't gotten my marks back yet for anything except my first class (got them the next day). It's nice to be off but it's not like I have any real free time to be lazy. I've been pretty busy and this week I'm booked solid. I finished up my shopping today with my dad.
I finally got a credit card last month and started shopping online. This was probably a really really bad idea.  I've already got like 5 things. Of course one of those things was an $800 round trip to England this February.
One of my friends lent me Firefly last week. It's a pretty good tv show so I've been watching quite a bit of that. Oh and I finished my first ever knitting project. It's a hideous not square dish cloth. Go me. I think I want to make a hat now since I'm so talented? Not round hats next?
Ya that's all. Oh and I found a Twisted Sister Christmas album which I downloaded. Do with that information what you will.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Lorraine says I should blog more, or favorite novembers

Blogs are hard. I like writing a lot, and I like thinking about my personality, but I find it hard to write about life. So here are my favorite things about this month:
My dad deciding he would grow a mustache for movember
Getting an idea for a book and actually starting to write it
Buying my mommy christmas presents
Having some super best friends
Learning to make spinach dip (and then making it without the spinach. My dad said it didn't count)
Having Monday's off with my dad
Going to the remembrance day ceremony
Poppy just being a funny little best dog friend
And I guess that's all.
The end

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Making Connections

I've been trying to think of interesting things in my life worth reporting on.
I supposed the biggest is getting engaged, but that just seems like it was a natural step in my life, not a big change. Once I start planning I suppose it will get hectic.
Some of my biggest adventures in my life of late involve the process of making connections. I've always understood that knowing people in the professional world is a good move. I also want to advance my knowledge and round out my character. I started two things this June that fall into both categories. The first was joining my credit unions board of directors. This was an excellent professional move, getting me involved in planning and strategy. It is also a great way to learn more about finances for my personal life. People look at me weird when I say I'm on the board of a credit union, but its a big deal to me.
Secondly, I was hired to work at an archaeology dig not far from home. This was the work of God in its most visible state to me, because I had everyone I knew praying I'd be hired, and I was the only one from my field school. This has furthered my knowledge, my interests, and my experience in my chosen field of anthropology. Not only have I made new friends, I've become friends with teachers and leading researchers. Thats important. Most of all, I've been having fun. Sometimes that's the best you can ask for when you are trying to get the basis for your career going. I'll probably never be a banker, but maybe I'll study starch grains.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

15 Ways to Feel Great About Life

So recently I've gotten on this kick where I really just try to live every day one by one, instead of in the future. Trying to help myself along with this, I've been starting all these routines to just feel better about everything every day. Since I often find myself forcing my random advice on people, I decided to compose a nice little list. So here it is: Emily's Ways to Feel Great!

1) Sleep! not too long, not too little. It's just such a nice thing
2) Drink a lot of water. Not flavoured, not vitamin enhanced. Just regular old water. It flushes out your system, it does everything. Water is good. My family hears this rant almost every day
3) Moisturize your elbows. Seriously, a dry elbow is an unhappy arm
4) Take some time out of the day to just do nothing. Everybody needs a little time to shut off their brain
5) But along with the last one is this: take some time when you feel energetic to clean! I always feel better when I can organize stuff. Today I came down to grab something and ended up reorganizing my whole desk
6) Take a vitamin whenever you think of it. It might not do anything for you, but you can convince yourself its working anyways
7) Make time for your friends! Especially the ones who really know you. I think I'd go loopy if I didn't have them to talk to
8) Be silly
9) Laugh at everything, theres nothing that cheers you up more than laughing
10) Dress up some days, then dress like a bum other days. Dressing up makes you feel really great, but doing it too much can get stressful. Theres some days when I just really really REALLY like wearing the sweatpants I rarely remember to put in the wash... :D
11) Eat something tasty. Yesterday I had a cupcake. I love cupcakes.
12) Enjoy the little things. You have no idea how happy my cupcake made me
13) Go outside. Get some sun
14) Sing really really loud, sing out of key even. I sing all the time, and I like to infect others with my earworms
15) Love God, love your family, love your friends. And tell them.
Thats all I feel like coming up with at the moment, so thats all, the end.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ooo are you feelin satisfied

Ya I have a Boston addiction, but they are just a genuinely GOOD BAND!! Seriously.
 I went to see a new doctor this week for the first time. That was pretty exciting, because I have fun going to the doctor. Weird things hypochondriacs enjoy eh? So its a female and she is far more professional than my previous doctor which is a HUGE improvement. She also asked me if I was a lesbian basically, which I found extremely hilarious, but thats kind of a long story so if you want to hear it Lorraine I'll tell you later. Went and played bingo last night with Alexis at the big bingo hall. We were really scared we were going to get shanked by all the avid bingo-goers, but despite losing we had lots of fun. Plus they sell mozzarella sticks, and you know something is good when you can buy those. Other than that my week has just been a lot of cleaning. So much cleaning I forgot to practice my violin...oops. Oh well I'll remember to practice a bit more next week, I hope. 
Leaving this with lyrics from the best song that makes zero sense, blinded by the light

Some brimstone baritone anticyclone rolling stone preacher from the east
Says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in it's funny bone, 
that's where they expect it least"

I mean seriously, what the heck is that song even about? Love it!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I can't say I'm a very popular person, or a very outgoing one. I also have a hard time making new friends because I'm pretty picky. None of this has ever bothered me much, especially because I have pretty much the greatest friends. I was really glad last week to have hung out with the sisterhood for a super fun sleepover. No matter what new challenges hit the 4 of us, we never seem to change much when we all get back together. Except that they've all got some crazy disease that has made them love Justin Bieber... this saddens me. Lor came over for a sleep over the other day, and it was seriously the best time I've had in a while. Just having one person who knows you really well to hang out with, go for walks to the park, and talk to is really uplifting.
Finally got to see Greg graduate, which was a really funny experience because I haven't been to someone else's grad since Lindsay, and it was really cool watching the younger kids growing up. I love having him and Sam as my kind of siblings, because they are so much fun.
Going to go see my aunty Pat tomorrow, which is always nice. She reminds me so much of my grandma, and shes just so cute. However this weekly visit seems to be feeding my new found coffee addiction. That isn't good because coffee actually keeps me up all night. Oh well, I'm silly is all.