So recently I've gotten on this kick where I really just try to live every day one by one, instead of in the future. Trying to help myself along with this, I've been starting all these routines to just feel better about everything every day. Since I often find myself forcing my random advice on people, I decided to compose a nice little list. So here it is: Emily's Ways to Feel Great!
1) Sleep! not too long, not too little. It's just such a nice thing
2) Drink a lot of water. Not flavoured, not vitamin enhanced. Just regular old water. It flushes out your system, it does everything. Water is good. My family hears this rant almost every day
3) Moisturize your elbows. Seriously, a dry elbow is an unhappy arm
4) Take some time out of the day to just do nothing. Everybody needs a little time to shut off their brain
5) But along with the last one is this: take some time when you feel energetic to clean! I always feel better when I can organize stuff. Today I came down to grab something and ended up reorganizing my whole desk
6) Take a vitamin whenever you think of it. It might not do anything for you, but you can convince yourself its working anyways
7) Make time for your friends! Especially the ones who really know you. I think I'd go loopy if I didn't have them to talk to
8) Be silly
9) Laugh at everything, theres nothing that cheers you up more than laughing
10) Dress up some days, then dress like a bum other days. Dressing up makes you feel really great, but doing it too much can get stressful. Theres some days when I just really really REALLY like wearing the sweatpants I rarely remember to put in the wash... :D
11) Eat something tasty. Yesterday I had a cupcake. I love cupcakes.
12) Enjoy the little things. You have no idea how happy my cupcake made me
13) Go outside. Get some sun
14) Sing really really loud, sing out of key even. I sing all the time, and I like to infect others with my earworms
15) Love God, love your family, love your friends. And tell them.
Thats all I feel like coming up with at the moment, so thats all, the end.
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