Saturday, October 27, 2007

big city lights

So I've been in Toronto since thursday. It is my last day here today. The trip to the ROM was def the best, because I love it there SO much. The mummy was the coolest by far, and I think the man whom I told that the mummy was beautiful was afraid of me a little. Making the stencils for our mural was awesome as well. I am hoping the lady can use my stencil that she kept for some real graffiti, that would rock. I really don't want to leave, because I've been having fun, but it'll be nice to get home and do some good old homework (oh how I missed it).So I will be back tonight sometime to share my wisdom of these distant lands. :D

1 comment:

ZanKat said...

ahahahaha first to comment....i liked the tomb alot....and um the really old furniture...and the statues...but i didnt like getting yelled at by the old japanese man :(