Monday, December 19, 2011

December lalala

I'm so good at titling these!! I finished all my exams on saturday. They were all really spaced out. I haven't gotten my marks back yet for anything except my first class (got them the next day). It's nice to be off but it's not like I have any real free time to be lazy. I've been pretty busy and this week I'm booked solid. I finished up my shopping today with my dad.
I finally got a credit card last month and started shopping online. This was probably a really really bad idea.  I've already got like 5 things. Of course one of those things was an $800 round trip to England this February.
One of my friends lent me Firefly last week. It's a pretty good tv show so I've been watching quite a bit of that. Oh and I finished my first ever knitting project. It's a hideous not square dish cloth. Go me. I think I want to make a hat now since I'm so talented? Not round hats next?
Ya that's all. Oh and I found a Twisted Sister Christmas album which I downloaded. Do with that information what you will.


Lorraine M said...

OH ya I forgot you are going to go see Alexis. Too bad you have no time to "be lazy" lol:P See ya soon pal

Anonymous said...

lololol title win. i liked that dishcloth!!