Friday, June 11, 2010

Ooo are you feelin satisfied

Ya I have a Boston addiction, but they are just a genuinely GOOD BAND!! Seriously.
 I went to see a new doctor this week for the first time. That was pretty exciting, because I have fun going to the doctor. Weird things hypochondriacs enjoy eh? So its a female and she is far more professional than my previous doctor which is a HUGE improvement. She also asked me if I was a lesbian basically, which I found extremely hilarious, but thats kind of a long story so if you want to hear it Lorraine I'll tell you later. Went and played bingo last night with Alexis at the big bingo hall. We were really scared we were going to get shanked by all the avid bingo-goers, but despite losing we had lots of fun. Plus they sell mozzarella sticks, and you know something is good when you can buy those. Other than that my week has just been a lot of cleaning. So much cleaning I forgot to practice my violin...oops. Oh well I'll remember to practice a bit more next week, I hope. 
Leaving this with lyrics from the best song that makes zero sense, blinded by the light

Some brimstone baritone anticyclone rolling stone preacher from the east
Says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in it's funny bone, 
that's where they expect it least"

I mean seriously, what the heck is that song even about? Love it!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I can't say I'm a very popular person, or a very outgoing one. I also have a hard time making new friends because I'm pretty picky. None of this has ever bothered me much, especially because I have pretty much the greatest friends. I was really glad last week to have hung out with the sisterhood for a super fun sleepover. No matter what new challenges hit the 4 of us, we never seem to change much when we all get back together. Except that they've all got some crazy disease that has made them love Justin Bieber... this saddens me. Lor came over for a sleep over the other day, and it was seriously the best time I've had in a while. Just having one person who knows you really well to hang out with, go for walks to the park, and talk to is really uplifting.
Finally got to see Greg graduate, which was a really funny experience because I haven't been to someone else's grad since Lindsay, and it was really cool watching the younger kids growing up. I love having him and Sam as my kind of siblings, because they are so much fun.
Going to go see my aunty Pat tomorrow, which is always nice. She reminds me so much of my grandma, and shes just so cute. However this weekly visit seems to be feeding my new found coffee addiction. That isn't good because coffee actually keeps me up all night. Oh well, I'm silly is all.