Friday, November 25, 2011

Lorraine says I should blog more, or favorite novembers

Blogs are hard. I like writing a lot, and I like thinking about my personality, but I find it hard to write about life. So here are my favorite things about this month:
My dad deciding he would grow a mustache for movember
Getting an idea for a book and actually starting to write it
Buying my mommy christmas presents
Having some super best friends
Learning to make spinach dip (and then making it without the spinach. My dad said it didn't count)
Having Monday's off with my dad
Going to the remembrance day ceremony
Poppy just being a funny little best dog friend
And I guess that's all.
The end


Lorraine M said...


Lorraine M said...

Lol but actually good job at blogging and I am excited to see your dad's mustache and spinach dip with no spinach some how sounds like a good idea

Anonymous said...

roydon's mustache = win of life