Monday, May 24, 2010


Finally was warm enough for us to do all our outside work. We had a really great saturday planting our garden, mowing and weed whacking, and finally having a swim. I also got my bike out and was able to go for a ride.
Went with Mike on an adventure to the border today to pick up Left 4 Dead. So excited because its such an awesome game. We already wasted stupid amounts of time playing it. Glad I have another day off tomorrow because I'm going to have a busy busy week. So excited that I hopefully get to enjoy a girls sleepover this week, plus I'm getting some VBS stuff ready with Lois at some point. Need to find time to practice my violin in there because I have a huge stack of work I need to get into. Why did I ever decide to prepare for exams? Oh right, to force myself into playing more. Well its working.

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